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Das Gleimhaus Halberstadt Heinrich-Schliemann-Museum Ankershagen Otto-Lilienthal-Museum Anklam Die Sixtina des Nordens - Das Panorama Museum Heinrich-Schütz-Haus Bad Köstritz Hans-Fallada-Museum Carwitz Kurt-Weill-Zentrum Dessau Bachhaus Eisenach Gerhart-Hauptmann-Museum Erkner Kleist-Museum Frankfurt (Oder) Gerhart-Hauptmann-Haus Hiddensee Lessing-Museum Kamenz Mendelssohn-Haus Leipzig Nietzsche-Haus Naumburg Novalis-Museum Schloss Oberwiederstedt Theodor-Fontane-Archiv Potsdam Rochow-Museum Reckahn Kurt-Tucholsky-Museum Rheinsberg Winckelmann-Museum Stendal Heinrich-Schütz-Haus Weißenfels Robert-Schumann-Haus Zwickau Ernst Barlach Stiftung Güstrow

Dr. phil. Hanna Delf von Wolzogen

Born in 1951, she is head of the Theodor-Fontane-Archives in Potsdam since 1996. After her studies of philosophy, literary studies and psychoanalysis in Gießen, Frankfurt (Main) and Heidelberg she was Joseph-Buchmann scholarship holder at universities Tel Aviv and Frankfurt (Main) 1985-1994 with research assignments in Israel. After she had done her PhD about Gustav Landauers writings concerning philosophy, literature and Judaism she worked as the manager of the Moses Mendelssohn centre  in Potsdam from 1992-1994. As a research associate at universities Duisburg, Potsdam and the FU Berlin she published the letters of Gustav Landauer and other publications about German-Jewish literature, philosophy and about Fontane.


Dr. phil. Volker Probst

Volker Probst was born in 1953 and since 1994 he is director of the Ernst Barlach museum in Güstrow. As art historian and degreed librarian he worked as a librarian at the Romanic seminar at university Hamburg 1986-1988. After that, from 1988-1994, he was director of the Albert König museum in Unterlüß. Since 2001 he is member of the board in the association of the museums of Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania and head of the curatorship of the fundraising group “Heinz Theuerjahr”, main research: sculpture, drawing and graphic reproduction of the 20th century; He supervised numerous exhibitions and published many catalogues, monographs and articles about art and artists from the 19th till the 21st century. Above all he is the publisher of the new catalogue raisonné of Ernst Barlach: the graphic reproductions (2001), the sculptures (2006), the drawings (will be published 2013).